Office of Knowledge Transfer (OKT) and The Technology Transfer Center (TTC) co-hosted an Intellectual Property (IP) Seminar “How the Patent System Works” on 20 November 2017 at HKUST Business School Central. The seminar featured the Rt. Hon. Professor Sir Robin Jacob, Hugh Laddie Professor of Intellectual Property, University College London, Former Lord Justice of Appeal of England and Wales, to decode the complex patent system and share insights on how to best use the patent system to support innovation.
The seminar was hosted by Mr Andrew Liao, GBS, JP, Council Chairman. In the seminar, Sir Robin Jacob gave a comprehensive overview of the patent system by sharing his 50 years’ experience of being a practitioner of IP Laws. After offering a basic understanding of the nature of patent, principles of patentability, patent process and litigation system, he went on to illustrate the relationship between University and its academics and students, as well as the exploitation of IP by Universities. He concluded the seminar by emphasizing the importance of relationship between clients and professional advisors.
The seminar was followed by a panel discussion with Sir Robin Jacob, Mr Liao, Professor Tony Chan, HKUST President, Professor John Chai, JP, Vice-Chairman of HKUST Council & Chairman of Knowledge Transfer Committee of HKUST Council and Professor Enboa Wu, Associate Vice-President for Knowledge Transfer of HKUST, bringing a diverse perspective of patent system to the audience.
The seminar facilitated active interaction between the panelists and the audience. The response to the seminar was overwhelming by drawing an audience of 150, including not only HKUST members such as HKUST Council members and Court members, postgraduate and undergraduate students, staff and faculty members as well as HKUST alumni, but also business leaders, veteran IP practitioners and senior Government Officials.
Presentation material of the seminar is now available on the TTC website:
Seminar "How the Patent System Works"
Panal Discussion: (From left) Professor John Chai, JP, Vice-Chairman of HKUST Council & Chairman of Knowledge Transfer Committee of HKUST Council, Professor Tony Chan, HKUST President, Mr Andrew Liao Cheung-sing, GBS, SC, JP, Council Chairman, Sir Robin Jacob, Hugh Laddie Professor of Intellectual Property, University College London, Former Lord Justice of Appeal of England and Wales and Professor Enboa Wu, Associate Vice-President for Knowledge Transfer of HKUST
(From left): Dr Claudia XU, Director of HKUST Technology Transfer Center, Mr Patrick Yeung, HKUST Council Member and Managing Director of Asian Capital (Corporate Finance) Limited, Professor John Chai, JP,Mr Andrew Liao Cheung-sing, GBS, SC, JP, Sir Robin Jacob, Professor Tony Chan, Professor Wei Shyy , Executive Vice-President & Provost of HKUST, Professor Albert IP, HKUST Council Member and CEO of Langham Hospitality Investments, Professor Enboa Wu