The Startup Launchpad October 2018 was held on 18-21 October 2018 at AsiaWorld-Expo. 6 start-ups from HKUST participated in the show to showcase their cutting-edge technologies and products. These start-ups include: AuVi Entertainment Inc. Limited, eTron Electronic Materials (HK) Co. Ltd., Hong Kong Innovative Display Technology Limited, Incus Company Limited, iSTEM Limited, Oxpecker Labs Ltd, Pear Limited, Set Sail Venture Limited.
During the show, HKUST start-ups not only demonstrated their technology to potential buyers and collaborators, but also learnt the market trend. The show provided a valuable chance for the start-ups to hear the feedback and suggestions to their business so as to make enhancement to their products and services. iSTEM Limited was interviewed by Tokyo TV at the Show and introduced their products to the Japanese Market.
“The event helped us get closer to potential clients and collaborators and know more about the market,” said the company delegate of Pear Limited, “We learnt more about the needs of our clients from this event.” Cherishing this opportunity offered by HKUST, they would be eager to join the show next year.
About Startup Launchpad
Startup Launchpad (SULP) is the Asia’s largest hardware trade show that facilitates global distribution between startups and renowned online and offline retailers. As one of Global Sources iconic initiatives, the Startup Launchpad has entered its 3rd year, where more than 700 technology start-ups showcased their cutting-edge products and technologies since its launch in October 2015.
Held twice a year in Hong Kong - Startup Launchpad continues its impact in the start-up ecosystem. 200 hardware startups showcased their latest products to buyers worldwide in April 2018 and more than 50 thought leaders will be sharing their expertise to the community in an effort to build Hong Kong’s value proposition as an innovation hub. In addition, this will promote a business-friendly environment to all kinds of companies, including start-ups, while also enhance Hong Kong’s position as a leading international trade and business center with a focus on high-valued, creative products and activities. Global Sources Consumer Electronics has 3,800 booths with consumer electronics, gaming, components and smart living products.
About Global Sources
Global Sources (, a business-to-business media company, is one of the largest facilitators of trade with Greater China. It has been serving the international trade industry for more than 46 years. The trade shows series has built on its strengths over the past decade in Hong Kong, notably the electronics series, and has become an important fixture on the calendar of many of the world’s largest electronics buyers.
HKUST Pavilion at Startup Launchpad
HKUST Pavilion at Startup Launchpad